The Lucky Mermaid LLC

Expanded Psychic Tarot Readings for Each Zodiac Sign for the New Year of 2018 + January 

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Happy New Year of 2018! In these videos I am doing 5 Card - Psychic Tarot Readings for The New Year of 2018 for  Each Zodiac Sign, to give you further psychic predictions and messages to expand and continue on from the Psychic Tarot Readings for the New Year of 2018 that I've posted to my YouTube Channel "Pamela Georgel." Here in my Vimeo readings, I am using the Aquarian Tarot Deck. I pulled one tarot card for each quarter of the year, plus a 5th card just for the month of January, 2018. I hope these Psychic Tarot Readings, will be insightful, and helpful to you in this New Year of 2018, and give you a good overview of what's to come for your Zodiac signs in this New Year. I wish you a very blessed and Happy New Year of 2018!     

                                       Peace and Blessings! Pam ~The Lucky Mermaid LLC

  Saturn in Capricorn Psychic Tarot & Crystal Readings for Each Zodiac Sign 12/2018 till 12/2020

In these readings I am using 2 different tarot decks, the Hanson Roberts Deck and the Morgan Greer Tarot Deck, where I will pull 3 cards from each deck, for a total of 6 cards, and I will conclude the readings by looking into my Crystal. I will be using these divination tools to give you psychic predictions, messages and insights from my Spirit Guides, covering a time period for the next two and half years while Saturn is in sign of Capricorn, and how this will be affecting your Sun sign. You might also want to look into your Ascendant (Rising) sign, as this will be influencing you as well. Thank you so much for all of your purchases of all of my videos here on Vimeo.

                                          Peace and Blessings! Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC

Expanded Psychic Tarot Reading December 2017 For Each Zodiac Sign

In these Expanded Psychic Tarot Readings for my December 2017 videos, I have pulled an additional 3 tarot cards to expand on December's Psychic Tarot Readings for Each Zodiac Sign I recorded and posted to YouTube. I hope these additional three cards will give you some insightful messages, and predictions that will be helpful and useful to you as you travel through the month of December 2017. Thank you so much for all of your purchases of my videos on Vimeo!                              

                                           Peace and Blessings! Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC.

 December 2017 Psychic Crystal Readings For Each Sign Of The Zodiac

 Jupiter in Scorpio Psychic Tarot and Crystal Readings 10/17 thru 11/18

In these Jupiter In Scorpio Psychic Tarot and Crystal Readings, I've pulled 3 cards for each sign of the Zodiac from the Hanson Roberts Tarot Deck, and then I also look into my crystal to get predictions, messages and insights from my Spirit Guides, to cover a one year time period while Jupiter is in Scorpio from October 10th 2017 until November 8th 2018. Thank you so much for all of your purchases of my videos on Vimeo!

                                          Peace and Blessings, Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC

                     Videos Page 1

To go to schedule a private reading with me when my online calendar is open, please click here:

To get many of the videos I recorded for down load and purchase from 2017, please click here:

To get the videos from 2015 and 2016 from the archives for down load and purchase, please click here:

 Page 2


  2015 - 2016


    Eclipse Effects Psychic Tarot and Crystal Readings 6 months till July 2018

In these Eclipse Effects Videos I am looking into the effects of the January 31st Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo, and the partial Solar Eclipse in Aquarius on February 15th 2018. In each reading, I am using three tarot cards from the Robin Wood Tarot Deck and also using my Crystal Sphere to receive messages and predictions and guidance from my Spirit Guides, to give you predictions, messages and insights on how these two eclipses will be effecting each sign of the Zodiac. The energies of these two eclipses can last up to six months util the next eclipse in July 2018.

                                          Peace and Blessings! Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC

   Aries,    Taurus,   Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,   Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,
February 2018 Psychic Crystal Readings For Each Zodiac Sign

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

                             January 2018 Psychic Crystal Readings For Each Zodiac Sign

   Love Forecast 2018 Psychic Tarot Reading For Each Zodiac Sign

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,   Aquarius,    Pisces,

March 2018 Psychic Crystal Readings For Each Zodiac Sign

In these Love Forecast 2018 videos, I pulled 7 cards in total, 3 from the "Tarot Mucha, Tarot Deck," and 3 from the "Connely Tarot Deck" and one card from the John Holland "Psychic Tarot For The Heart" deck. I believe you will find these Love Forecast Readings for 2018 to be very interesting and enlightening, and give you a good picture of what you can expect this year in love. But since these are about LOVE, you might want to watch your moon sign as well since that shines light on your emotions, or perhaps if you know what your Venus sign is as well, as this deals with your area of love. Thank you so much for all of your purchases of my Vimeo Videos!

                                       Peace and Blessings!  XO Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC

What's Lucky For You In 2018 Three Card Psychic Tarot Reading for Each Sign Of The Zodiac

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

In these videos I have pulled three tarot cards from the Hanson Roberts Tarot Deck for each sign of the zodiac, to give you predictions and messages for this year of 2018, about what lucky areas of you life will be, and how it will happening for you this year in 2018.

                           Thanks for all of your purchases of my Vimeo Videos! Peace and Blessings!

April 2018 Psychic Crystal Readings for Each Zodiac Sign 

  Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,   Scorpio,    Sagittarius,   Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Aries,    Taurus,   Gemini,     Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,     Sagittarius,   Capricorn,    Aquarius,   Pisces,

In these videos I am using two tarot decks and the crystal, to look into each zodiac sign's Career and Finances for a 12 to 18 month time period, starting in April 2018. I used the Robin Wood Tarot Deck and pulled three cards to look into predictions and messages for each sign's Career/Work area of life. Then I pulled three cards from the Golden Tarot Deck by Kat Black, to look into each sign's Financial area of life. I rounded out every one of these Psychic Tarot and Crystal Readings, by looking into the crystal to see what will be the challenges, and blessings in each of those two areas. Thank you so much for all of your purchases of all of my videos on Vimeo.

                                                                Peace and Blessings!

Career and Finance Psychic Tarot and Crystal Readings for Each Zodiac Sign for 12 Months                                                     

                                          From April of 2018 through April 2019 

May 2018 Psychic Crystal Readings For Each Zodiac Sign

Uranus Changing Signs 4 Card Psychic Tarot Reading For Each Zodiac Sign

                             From May 15th 2018 until April 26th 2026

In these videos I used the Hanson Roberts Tarot Deck and psychically focused on the planet Uranus changing signs for it's big change and eight year transit in the sign of Taurus. I am giving you messages and predictions from my Spirit Guides on what some of the challenges, changes, and blessings may come about from this transit, for each zodiac sign. This Transit of Uranus in Taurus will start on May 15th 2018, and last until April 26, 2026.                       

                                                          I wish you Peace and Blessings!

Purchasing Videos:  To purchase any of my special videos I have recorded for my Vimeo On Demand Channel, Just click on the sign under the video title you're interested in purchasing, and it will take you to that video available for purchase on the Vimeo website.  

Video issues:  If you are experiencing any difficulties with your video purchases for any reason, you must contact Vimeo directly at   The Vimeo website hosts my videos and has all of your purchase information, and only they are able to rectify, and trouble shoot any issues you may be experiencing.  I do not have any access to your purchase information, or your payment information and therefore I am not able to solve any issues once I have uploaded the videos on their website.  

However, Vimeo informed me the majority of the times when a purchaser can't find their video purchases is because they accidentally used a different email address and purchased the videos from a different email address then the one they are using where they can't find the videos that they previously purchased.

                                   Peace and Blessings to you all!  Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC®

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Mid Year 2018 Psychic Tarot Readings For All Zodiac Signs

In these Mid Year of 2018 Psychic Tarot Reading videos, I have laid out a 5 card Rainbow Tarot Spread for each sign of the Zodiac, in the same manner as I do for each monthly reading I post on YouTube using the Cat Black Golden Tarot Deck. Similar to the readings I did for the beginning of the year in January, I am looking at the cards to cover the rest of the year in these readings. The time frame is from June though to the end of this year of 2018. I hope that these messages will being you new insights and additional information that will be helpful and useful to you, moving forward though the second half of the year.                                                                               

                                                 Thank you so much! Peace and Blessings!

     Psychic Crystal Readings for Each Zodiac Sign for June 2018 

   These Psychic Crystal Readings are a continuation of my Psychic Tarot Readings I have posted to YouTube for June 2018. I will look into my crystal for each sign and give you the messages I receive from my Spirit Guides and any other psychic feelings and impressions I receive. Hopefully they will bring additional insight and information that will be helpful for you. Thank You so much!

                                            Many Blessings and Peace! ~Pam The Lucky Mermaid LLC

 These June 2018 Love Readings are AUDIO recordings. The picture of your cards will be on the screen during the AUDIO recording. I pulled 4 cards from the John Holland "Psychic Tarot For The Heart Oracles Cards" to give you predictions and messages for each zodiac sign about love. Even though these readings were for the month of June 2018, the predictions went out for some of the signs as far as the first quarter of 2019, and also the spring and even as far as June of 2019 in some cases. Thanks for all of your purchases!

                                                 Peace and Blessings ~ Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC

Aries,     Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Psychic Crystal Readings for Each Zodiac Sign for July 2018

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,   Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

7 Card Star Tarot Spread for July 2018 Eclipses Effects For Each Zodiac Sign

                                   Covering A Six Month Time Period

In these videos, I have laid out The 7 Card Star Tarot Spread for Each Sign of the Zodiac and psychically focused solely on the two July 2018 Eclipses. The first on July 12th 2018 - Partial Solar Eclipse in Cancer, and the second on July 27th 2018 - Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius. The messages and predictions in these readings cover approximately a 6 to 8 month time period, beginning July 2018.  This 7 Card Star Tarot Spread will cover the heart of the matter going on with your sign, the present situation, your intellect and also emotions, what you desire, what has yet to happen and the outcome, all in regard to the energies these two July Eclipses affecting your sign.  I hope these messages and predictions in these Psychic Tarot Readings using The Star 7 Card Tarot Spread, will be helpful and useful for you right now, and moving forward.

                                           Blessings and Peace! ~ Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,   Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Psychic Crystal Reading For Each Zodiac Sign August 2018

 Purchasing Videos and Trouble Shooting Video Issues

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

June 2018 Love Readings AUDIO Recordings Covering Up To A 6 Month Time Period

  Eclipse Beginnings and Endings Psychic Tarot & Crystal Readings -

                          August 2018 Through February 2019

In these videos I am using 2 different Tarot Decks, plus my crystal sphere, to get psychic messages and predictions for you in regard to the energies the Partial solar Eclipse in Leo on August 11th 2018, will be bringing in for your Zodiac sign, for the next 6 months. I used the Morgan Greer Tarot Deck to see what will be ending or exiting your life, and the Hanson Roberts Tarot Deck to see what will be Beginning and entering your life, and then the crystal sphere to tie it all together. I hope these psychic messages and predictions from my Spirit Guides will shed some light on what to expect from this particular eclipse. Thank you for all of your purchases of my Videos on Vimeo!

                                           Peace and Blessings!  Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC ™

Psychic Crystal Reading for Each Zodiac Sign September 2018

    Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,   Pisces,

Love and Romance Psychic Tarot Readings for Couples and Singles for Each Zodiac Sign

In these six card psychic tarot readings, I have asked my Spirit Guides to give me predictions and messages, focusing on love and romance for both single and couples, for each zodiac sign, covering a time period of up to a year out into the future. For those who are seriously coupled, I pulled three cards from the Tarot Mucha Tarot Deck. And for those who are single and unattached, I pulled three cards from the Hanson Roberts Tarot Deck, which are both included in each video, for each sign of the zodiac. I hope these will be helpful and useful for you in the area of love and romance.

                           Thanks so much! Peace and Blessings! Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC ™  

 Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Psychic Crystal Readings for Each Zodiac Sign October 2018

  In these "Spirit Animal Messages and Gemstone Crystal Readings For Each Zodiac Sign" - I've pulled two cards from the "Messages From Your Animal Spirit Guides Oracle Cards" by Stephan D. Farmer, and also pulled a gemstone crystal from my purple velvet bag of gemstones, for each Zodiac sign. The messages I received using these Animal Spirit Guides Oracle Cards are geared around spiritual insights and guidance. There are also some predictive messages, but these readings are focusing more on broader soul - life themes to bring you awareness and healing. With the gemstone crystal I drew for your sign, I give you a description on the gemstone's key characteristics, including the details about the particular stone's energetic connections, what planets, zodiac signs, and chakras are associated with the stone, and the healing properties on how the stone can be useful in healing work on the physical, mental, spiritual and emotional bodies for your specific sign. Time frames on these readings are now and go out one year in time from October 2018 to October of 2019. I am hopeful these readings will be helpful and guide you to more peace of mind and well being.

                                               Peace and Blessings! Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC®

Spirit Animal Messages & Gemstone Crystal Readings From October 2018 Through October 2019

  Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Venus Retrograde Psychic Tarot Readings

In these Venus Retrograde Psychic Tarot Readings, I have pulled 3 cards from the Aquarian Tarot Deck to give you insights, predictions, and messages from my Spirit Guides to help you understand and/or look at this transit and how it may be affecting your zodiac sign.  The first of the 3 cards is focusing on what you may be struggling with, the second card is what or how you are clearing it out, and third card is how you

are going to move forward once Venus goes direct and is out of shadow.  These will be connected to you for quite some time, perhaps a year or two into the future.

Thanks for purchasing my videos on Vimeo! Peace and Blessings! ~ Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC®

  Aries,    Taurus,   Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces

Psychic Crystal Readings for Each Zodiac Sign November 2018

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces

  Jupiter in Sagittarius Psychic Tarot and Crystal Readings for Each Zodiac Sign

                               11/08/2018  Through 12/03/2019

In these Jupiter in Sagittarius Psychic Tarot and Crystal Reading videos, I am focusing on the energies of how Jupiter in Sagittarius will be effecting each sign of the Zodiac, and giving you psychic predictions and messages about how it will be affecting each sign of the Zodiac for this 1 year period (Nov 9th 2018 - Dec 3rd 2019). I am pulling 3 cards from the Tarot Mucha Tarot Deck and also using my crystal to bring you messages and predictions from my Spirit Guides to help you navigate this planetary transit. Thank you for purchasing all of my videos here on Vimeo.

                                                  Peace and Blessings! ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,   Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Psychic Crystal Readings for Each Zodiac Sign For December 2018

In these videos, I have laid out a 10 Card Celtic Cross Psychic Tarot Spread, for each zodiac sign for the New Year of 2019. These videos are twice as long as my usual New Year's Readings, and are filled with more information as there are also double the cards. Here I give you psychic predictions and messages from my Spirit Guides for what your sign may experience throughout the year of 2019, which will hopefully give you some insights, cautions, guidance and also what blessings are coming up, that would be helpful for you to know at the beginning of this New Year of 2019. Thank you so much for tuning into my psychic readings, and your highly valued and appreciated continued interest in my work with Spirit, and for all of your purchases of all of my videos on YouTube. I wish you a fantastic 2019!

                                       Peace and Blessings xo Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC

New Year 2019 - 10 Card Celtic Cross Psychic Tarot Readings For Each Zodiac Sign

 Psychic Crystal Readings For Each Zodiac Sign For January 2019 

  Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

       In these videos I am using two different tarot decks to give you psychic messages and predictions focusing on

       what you will experience from the energies from the two eclipses in January 2019. I have pulled three cards

       from the Aquarian Tarot Deck, and six cards from the Osho Zen Tarot Deck to expand on those three cards

       for total of nine cards in each readings for each of the 12 signs of the Zodiac. These predictions and messages

       were to cover the six months following the eclipses as that is their normal period of influence, however most of

       the readings went farther out into the future then that six month time frame. These cards brought up some

       interesting information I hope you'll find useful as you move forward, and in what you experience from these

       two eclipses. The first eclipse was a New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse in Capricorn on January 5th/6th, and the

       second one is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo on January 21st 2019.

                           Thanks so much for all of your purchases of my Vimeo Videos! Peace and Blessings!                                                                                                   Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC ®

  January 2019 Eclipse Effects - Two Deck Psychic Tarot Readings For Each Zodiac Sign 

Psychic Crystal Reading For Each Zodiac Sign For February 2019

   Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

   Big Love Psychic Tarot Readings For 2019 Singles and Couples  For Each Zodiac Sign 

    Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

***WARNING*** Due to the January 21st Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo affecting us ALL - in the "couples" portions of these readings it did come up for quite few of the signs that there would be break - ups, parting ways, or separating. I was surprised at what cards, messages and predictions came up in these Big Love Readings for 2019, as some of them were dramatic for couples and also in a few of the singles as well. In these videos I used 2 different Tarot decks - 4 cards from the "Tarot Mucha Tarot Deck" for the "Singles" and 4 cards from the "Robin Wood Tarot Deck" for the "couples" for each of the zodiac signs, plus I also pulled also 2 additional cards 1 for each of them - from the "Psychic Tarot for the Heart Oracle Cards," for a total of 10 cards in each video. These videos are quite long, with an approximate running time of 37 minutes. Please know there were also many good and positive messages in these videos as well. But I am honest with you in the messages I received, so please be prepared. The January eclipses will "eclipse" things out of our lives that are not serving our highest good, and this includes relationships.  I wish you all the happiness, blessings and healing in the area of love, romance and love relationships!


                                              Peace and Blessings! Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC 

Psychic Crystal Readings For Each Zodiac Sign For March 2019

  Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

                                What's Lucky And New For You in 2019 Psychic Tarot Readings

        In these psychic tarot readings for "What's Lucky For You in 2019" videos, I am pulling 3 cards from the

        Hanson Roberts Tarot Deck plus another 3 cards from the Morgan Greer Tarot Deck to expand and confirm the                first three cards totaling 6 cards, and using them as a map of what to expect, along with my Spirit Guides'                        messages and predictions of what will be Lucky and New for your sun sign or this year of 2019. You can also

        check out your rising sign too - to give you a bigger picture if your desire. Thank you for all of your purchases of              my Vimeo videos.

                                                  Peace and Blessings! Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

                         Psychic Crystal Readings For Each Zodiac Sign For April 2019

   Aries,     Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

                Jupiter in Retrograde Psychic Tarot and Crystal Readings for Each Zodiac Sign

    In these videos I have pulled two cards from The Renaissance Tarot Deck, and then used my Crystal Sphere

    to bring you psychic messages and predictions from my Spirit Guides on what your Zodiac sign may

    experience from the energy of Jupiter in Retrograde, starting April 10th to August 11th 2019.  Thanks so much

    for purchasing my videos on Vimeo. 

                                                  Peace and Blessings! Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC

   Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

 Past, Present, and Future Psychic Tarot Readings Thru 2021 For Each Zodiac Sign

  Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,     Aquarius,    Pisces,

These are not your typical Tarot Readings! This Osho Zen Tarot Deck brings up themes from a soul perspective, focusing on your Past, Present, and Future for your Astrological Zodiac Sign, by bringing in big themes and broad messages in these videos - mixed in with predictions Starting in April 2019 out as far as the year 2021. I pulled 6 cards in total; 3 main cards and then 3 cards to expand the messages. Thank you for all of your purchases of my videos on Vimeo.

                                        Peace and Blessings! Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC

  Psychic Crystal Readings For Each Zodiac Sign For May 2019

Career and Finances Psychic Tarot and Crystal Readings For Each Zodiac Sign

                               From May 2019 through December 2020

In these videos I used two different tarot decks and my crystal, to look into each zodiac sign's Career and Finances sectors, for a 12 to 18 month time period starting in May 2019. I used the Aquarian Tarot Deck, and pulled three cards to get psychic predictions and messages for each zodiac sign's Career/Work area of life. Then I pulled three cards from the Morgan Greer Tarot Deck, to look into each sign's Financial area of life. I rounded out these Psychic Tarot and Crystal Readings, by looking into the crystal to see what the challenges, and blessings will be in both Career and Financial areas for your astrological sign. Thank you so much for all of your purchases of all of my videos on Vimeo.


                                           Peace and Blessings! Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC®

    Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Psychic Crystal Readings for Each Zodiac Sign for July 2019

Psychic Crystal Readings for Each Zodiac Sign for June 2019

  Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

 In these Mid Year Love and Romance Psychic Tarot Update 2019 readings - I have pulled 4 tarot cards from the Morgan Greer tarot deck, plus 1 card from the Psychic Tarot For the Heart Oracle Cards by John Holland, for each astrological sign of the zodiac, to give you psychic predictions and messages about your love life now and moving forward - starting July of 2019 and going in some instances well into 2020. My Spirit Guides also mentioned for quite a few of the signs, how some past love relationships may be affecting you now as well. Please keep in mind these are general readings, and to get a clearer picture, you might want to check out your rising and moon signs as well. I did take note and feel in these readings for some of the signs, the messages often strongly applied to the rising signs as well as the sun sign. I hope these will be helpful and useful for you in the area of love and romance.

                             Thanks so much! Peace and Blessings! Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC ®

  Mid Year Love and Romance Psychic Tarot Update for 2019

  Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,     Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

   Psychic Crystal Readings For Each Zodiac Sign For August 2019 

Eclipse Beginnings & Endings Psychic Tarot & Crystal Readings 2019 

  In these videos I am using 2 different Tarot Decks, plus my crystal sphere, to get psychic messages and predictions for you in regard to the energies the Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn on July 16th 2019, will be bringing in for your Zodiac sign, for the next 6 months. I used the Morgan Greer Tarot Deck to see what will be ending or exiting your life, and the Hanson Roberts Tarot Deck to see what will be Beginning and entering your life, and then the crystal sphere to tie it all together. I hope these psychic messages and predictions from my Spirit Guides will shed some light on what to expect from this particular eclipse. Thanks you so much for all of your purchases of my Videos on Vimeo! Peace and Blessings! Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC ™

  Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Psychic Crystal Readings For Each Zodiac Sign For September 2019 

Horseshoe Tarot Spread Psychic Tarot Readings 9/19 Through Dates In 2020

In these Horseshoe Tarot Spread - Psychic Tarot Readings, I have pulled 7 cards for each Zodiac sign using the Aquarian Tarot Deck. The focus is on one or more important things going on in your life, that you need to know messages, information and predictions about now, which may shed some light and perspective on some things you may have questioned. Here is a list of the Card Positions and what areas being addressed in these readings: Card position #1 - Past Influences, Card Position #2 - The Present, Card Position #3 - Hidden Influences, Card Position #4 - Obstacles, Card Position #5 - Outside Influences, Card Position #6 - Suggestion, Card Position #7 -Outcome. Thank you for all of your purchases of my videos on Vimeo!

                                        Peace and Blessings! Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC

  Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

  Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

  Psychic Crystal Readings For October 2019

Angels and Ancestors Psychic Oracle Card Readings For Each Zodiac Sign 

 In these videos, I am using the beautiful and powerful Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards, pulling two cards from the deck for your astrological sign, to bring you messages that are more of spiritual guidance and advice, and connected to why you incarnated into this lifetime as the sun sign you were born with, as well as possible challenges, obstacles and things to overcome, as well as your triumphs and successes. There are some element of predictions in the readings as well. Thanks so much for all of your purchases

of my Vimeo Videos.


                                           Peace and Blessings! Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

 Psychic Crystal Readings for Each Zodiac Sign for November 2019

 Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Solar Eclipse in Capricorn December 26, 2019 Psychic Tarot 

              and Crystal Readings For Each Zodiac Sign

In these videos I pulled 4 cards from the Morgan Greer Tarot Deck and then looked into my crystal, to give you messages and predictions for each astrological sign, as to what effects you may expect from the energies from this Solar Eclipse in Capricorn, December 26th 2019, up to and 6 months time, and possibly beyond. Thanks so Much for all of your purchases of my videos on Vimeo!


                                       Peace and Blessings! XO Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC ® 

   Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,     Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

In these readings I have pulled 4 cards from the Hanson Roberts Tarot Deck and looked into my crystal for each astrological sign, to give you messages from my Spirit Guides as to what you can expect from the energies of this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Cancer January 10th 2020, and ow it will be affecting your life over the course of the next 6 months - and in some cases beyond. This eclipse may set the tone for the next 20 years. Thank you for all of your purchases of my Videos on Vimeo.

                                             Peace and Blessings! Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC

  Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Cancer January 10th 2019

             Psychic Tarot and Crystal Readings

  Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,   Pisces,

Psychic Crystal Readings for Each Zodiac Sign for December 2019

Psychic Crystal Readings for Each Zodiac Sign for January 2020

New Year 2020 10 Card Celtic Cross Psychic Tarot Readings For Each Zodiac Sign

In these videos, I have laid out a 10 Card Celtic Cross Psychic Tarot Spread, for each zodiac sign for the New Year of 2020. These videos are twice as long as my usual New Year's Readings, and are filled with more information as there are also double the cards. Here I give you psychic predictions and messages from my Spirit Guides for what your sign may experience throughout the year of 2020, which will hopefully give you some insights, cautions, guidance and also what blessings are coming up, that would be helpful for you to know at the beginning of this New Year of 2020. Thank you so much for tuning into my psychic readings, and your highly valued and appreciated continued interest in my work with Spirit, and for all of your purchases of all of my videos on YouTube.   

                  I wish you a fantastic 2020! Peace and Blessings xo Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC

Jupiter in Capricorn Psychic Tarot, Oracle Card and Crystal Readings For Each Zodiac Sign

  In these videos I am using three divination tools, to bring you messages and predictions from my Spirit Guides as to how Jupiter in Capricorn will affect your Zodiac sign, using the Tarot Mucha Tarot Deck, The Bringers of the Light Oracle Cards, and looked into my crystal. It's also worthwhile to watch your rising sign with these videos. These predictions and messages will be in affect for almost all of 2020, - starting in December 2019 and lasting until December 19th 2020. Thank you so very much for all of your purchase of my Vimeo Videos.

                                        Peace and Blessings! XO Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC

 Aries,     Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

                             Psychic Crystal Readings for Each Zodiac Sign For March 2020

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,   Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Big Love Psychic Tarot Readings for 2020 for Singles and Couples

 Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,   Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,   Aquarius,    Pisces,

Big Love Readings for 2020 contain both readings for singles and couples are in each video -the first half is for single unattached people of each sign and the second half of each videos is the readings for the coupled people of each sign and I complete each reading with a gemstone crystal from my bag of gemstones to help your sign in the area of love and romance for the year. In these videos I used several different divination tools to bring you messages and predictions in the area of Love and Romance for each sign of the Zodiac for the year of 2020, using 2 different Tarot decks, plus an Oracle Card Deck, and Looked into my crystal and also pulled a gemstone crystal to help each zodiac sign in love for this year. Each ~Singles~ reading consists of three cards from the "Tarot Mucha Tarot Deck," plus one card from "The Psychic Tarot For The Heart Oracle Card Deck," and then looked into my crystal. Then I looked into the ~couples~ for each of the zodiac signs using three cards from the "Morgan Greer Tarot Deck," plus one card from "The Psychic Tarot For The Heart Oracle Cards, " and looked into my crystal. These videos are quite long, with an approximate running time of 37 minutes. **Please know there were many good and positive messages in these videos, as well as some shake ups and break ups.** I am honest with you in the messages I received, so please be prepared! Remember the January 10th 2020 eclipse will "eclipse" things out of our lives that are not serving our highest good, and this includes relationships. But eclipses also can bring in new beginnings in relationships, and new relationships as well! I recommend watching your Rising sign (Ascendant) as this will show you what is more fated and destine to be in your immediate future, and even consider watching your Venus sign as well, if you know it. I wish you all the happiness, blessings and healing in the area of love, romance and love relationships!

                                       Peace and Blessings! Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC

 What's Lucky and New For You In 2020 Psychic Tarot Readings

In these psychic tarot plus oracle card readings for "What's Lucky For You in 2020" videos, I am pulled 3 cards from the Hanson Roberts Tarot Deck plus another 3 cards from the Morgan Greer Tarot Deck to expand and confirm the first three cards totaling 6 cards, and then I pulled an additional card for each zodiac sign from the Keepers of The Light Oracle Card deck, along with my Spirit Guides' messages and predictions - to give you a map of what you can expect this year as to what will be "Lucky and New" for your sun sign or this year of 2020. You might also want to check out your rising sign too - to give you a much bigger picture of what's to come. Thank you for all of your purchases of my Vimeo videos.

                                          Peace and Blessings! Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC 

  Aries,   Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Psychic Crystal Readings for Each Zodiac Sign for April 2020

 Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Important Angel Messages For These Changing Times From April 2020 - April 2021

In these videos I am focusing on receiving important messages from the Angels for these pivotal and changing times, for each Zodiac sign - pulling three cards for each sign using three different oracle decks, plus pulling a gemstone crystal as to what would be the best and most energetically beneficial gemstone for each sign to use

over the course of 1 year - from April 2020 through April of 2021. The Oracle Cards used in these readings are:

"The Keepers Of The Light Oracle Cards," "Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards," and "Ask an Angel Oracle Cards."

You may also want to watch your rising sign in this particular series to get the most soul guidance as possible

from their messages. I wish you the feeling of Hope springing eternal in each of you, and may you be safe, well, protected and blessed!

                                               Peace and Blessings! Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Psychic Crystal Readings for Each Zodiac Sign for May 2020

 Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Career and Finances Psychic Tarot and Crystal Readings From May 2020 - November 2021

In these videos I used two different tarot decks and my crystal, to look into each zodiac sign's Career and Finances sectors, for a 12 to 18 month time period starting in May 2020. I used the Aquarian Tarot Deck, and pulled three cards to get psychic predictions and messages for each zodiac sign's Career/Work area of life. Then I pulled three cards from the Morgan Greer Tarot Deck, to look into each sign's Financial area of life. I rounded out these Psychic Tarot and Crystal Readings, by looking into the crystal to see what the challenges, and blessings will be in both Career and Financial areas for your astrological sign. Thank you so much for all of your purchases of all of my videos on Vimeo.

                                         Peace and Blessings! Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC®

 Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,   Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Mid Year 2020 Psychic Tarot Update 7 Card Bohemian Tarot Spread

In these Mid Year 2020 Psychic Tarot Update Videos, I am using the Morgan Greer Tarot Deck laying out the 7 Card Bohemian Tarot Spread for each zodiac sign, to give psychic messages and predictions for the second half of this year of 2020, from June through until the end of December. Each card position focuses on a different area: home, the present, relationships, hopes and wishes, the unexpected, immediate future and fate and fortune. I hope these messages will be of help to you as you travel through the rest of this year of 2020. Thank you for all of your purchases of my videos on Vimeo.

                                                 Peace and Blessings! Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC 

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,   Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Psychic Crystal Readings for Each Zodiac Sign for June 2020

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

  June 2020 Eclipse Effects Psychic Tarot and Crystal Readings 6/2020 -12/2020

 In these "June 2020 Eclipse Effects Psychic Tarot and Crystal Readings" I am looking into the energies of the two June eclipses and how they will effect each astrological sign, which lasts for six months. For the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius on June 5th 2020, I used the Tarot Mucha Tarot Deck and, and for the Solar Eclipse in Cancer on June 21st 2020, I used the Hanson Roberts Tarot Deck, and then looked into my crystal to give you additional psychic messages and predictions from my Spirit Guides to complete each reading about the effects of these two eclipses are bringing in. In the Lunar Eclipse: Card #1 is what's ending, Card #2 is what's beginning, and Card #3 is the Karmic Lesson (or what you need to know). Then this is repeated in the same format for the Solar Eclipse part of the reading. I hope these messages will be helpful and useful for you, as you travel through the energies of these two eclipses - covering the next 6 month time period. It's always wise and advised to also watch your rising sign.

                                           Peace and Blessings! XO Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC®

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Psychic Crystal Readings For Each Zodiac Sign For July 2020

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,   Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

  Mid Year Love and Romance Psychic Tarot Update for 2020

In these readings for the Mid Year Love and Romance Psychic Tarot Update for 2020, I am looking into both couples and singles of each sign of the zodiac, to give you messages and predictions from my Spirit Guides as to what the remainder of 2020 will bring to your sign in the area of love. For many, some predictions went out as far as March/April of 2021. For the couples I used the Hanson Roberts tarot deck and did a 5 Card Cross tarot spread. And for the singles of your zodiac sign I used the Morgan Greer tarot deck in a 3 card layout. I hope you will find these messages helpful to you in the areas of love and romance moving forward the rest of 2020 and on into 2021. You may also want to watch you rising sign, as that may even be speaking to your love life more strongly then your sun sign for some of you. But please keep in mind these are general readings.   

                                            Thanks so much for purchasing my Vimeo Videos! 

                                        Peace and Blessings! XO Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC

 Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Psychic Crystal Readings For Each Zodiac Sign For August 2020

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Psychic Crystal Readings for September 2020

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Past, Present, and Future Psychic Tarot Readings for 2020

These are not your typical Tarot Readings! This Osha Zen Tarot Deck brings up themes from a soul perspective, focusing on your Past, Present, and Future for your Astrological Zodiac Sign, by bringing in big themes and broad messages in these videos - mixed in with predictions starting in August 2020 until the end of 2021. I pulled 6 cards in total; 3 main cards and then 3 cards to expand the messages. Thank you for all of your purchases of my videos on Vimeo.

                                                  Peace and Blessings! Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC

 Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Mars Retrograde 2020 Psychic Crystal Readings for Each Zodiac Sign

In these Mars Retrograde Psychic Crystal Reading my Guides are giving predictions and messages cover the time period from 9/9 through when it goes direct on 11/14, AND also for the shadow period when Mars goes direct until January 2nd 2021. I will looking into my crystal for each astrological sign and give you the messages and predictions I receive from my Spirit Guides and any other psychic feelings and impressions I receive covering these areas: the overall effects of Mars Retrograde on your Risings , Sun and Moon sign (in that order), at work, in your own business, money, love, family, health, and what blessings it may bring. Hopefully these insights and information will be helpful to you from 9/9 until the end of Mars Shadow Period January 2nd 2021.

                             Thank You so much! Many Blessings and Peace! ~Pam The Lucky Mermaid LLC

 Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

                            Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini November 30th 2020

                                Psychic Tarot, Crystal and Oracle Card Readings 

 In these videos, I am looking into the energies coming from the "Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini - November 30th 2020," and how it will effect each Zodiac sign for the next 6 months (and even up to 9 months for a few signs). I used 3 different divination tools;  Tarot Cards, my Crystal, and the Angel's Gods, and Goddesses Oracle Card Deck.  Here is the format: Card #1 is what is ending for your sign, Card #2 is what is beginning, Card #3 is the blessings, and Card #4 is the Karmic lesson. Then I look into my crystal and give you additional psychic predictions and messages from my Spirt Guides, and then I conclude the reading with an Angels, Gods and Goddesses Oracle Card for your sign to bring you more messages and information. At the very end I pulled a gemstone crystal for each sign, as to what will help you with these energies over the next 6 months while being influenced by this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini. You might consider checking out your rising sign, as this will be equally if not more important then your Sun Sign, in regard to the effects of this Eclipse. Thank you for all of your purchases of my Vimeo Videos!                   

                                            Peace and Blessings! XO Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC®

 Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,     Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius December 14th 2020 Psychic Tarot, Crystal, & Oracle Card Readings

In these videos, I am looking into the energies coming from the "Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius - December 14th 2020," and how it will effect each Zodiac sign for the next 6 months (and even up to 9 months for a few signs). I used 3 different divination tools; Tarot Cards, my Crystal, and the Keepers Of The Light Oracle Card Deck. Here is the format: Card #1 is what is ending for your sign, Card #2 is what is beginning, Card #3 is the blessings, and Card #4 is the Karmic lesson. Then I look into my crystal and give you additional psychic predictions and messages from my Spirt Guides, and then I conclude the reading with a Keepers Of The Light Oracle Card for your sign to bring you more messages and information. At the very end I pulled a gemstone crystal for each sign, as to what will help you with these energies over the next 6 months while being influenced by this Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius. You might consider checking out your rising sign, as this will be equally if not more important then your Sun Sign, in regard to the effects of this Eclipse. Thank you for all of your purchases of my Vimeo Videos!

                                            Peace and Blessings! XO Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC®

 Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

 Psychic Crystal Readings for December 2020

  Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Psychic Tarot Readings for The New Year of 2021 For Each Zodiac Sign

In these videos I am bringing you psychic predictions and messages from my Spirit Guides for each sign of the Zodiac for the New Year in 2021. I am using a "Year Ahead" tarot layout. This layout has a total of 14 cards; seven main cards and an additional card for each one to expand on each card's meaning. Card Position #1: Sunset Card - Lessons from the previous year. What you've accomplished or not. Card Position #2: Horizon Card - What you can expect in 2021, what you want to achieve - your hopes and aspirations. Card Position #3: Obstacle Card - A challenge you'll face in 2021. Card Position #4: Strength Card - How to harness your inner power. how to resolve issues, untapped power. Card Position #5: Advice Card - Lessons learned and what to do now in 2021, what to avoid and what you want to repeat. Card Position #6: Navigation Card Guidance for the year ahead, best action to take. What to focus your mind and energy on. Card Position #7: Clarity Card - Your personal theme for the year. Use your energy to set your intention for the year to come. Overall life plan and higher purpose. Its your intention for the year. I advise you to also check out your rising sign/ascendant in this series as there will messages important for you there as well to give you a bigger picture of 2021. I hope these readings will be helpful to you this New Year of 2021.

                      Many Blessings and Peace to you all in 2021! XO Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC®

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces

     Psychic Crystal Readings For January 2021

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

 Saturn in Aquarius Psychic Tarot and Crystal Readings For Each Zodiac Sign

In these readings I am using 2 different tarot decks, the Hanson Roberts Deck and the Morgan Greer Tarot Deck, where I will pull 3 cards from each deck, for a total of 6 cards, and I will conclude the readings by looking into my Crystal. I will be using these tools to give you psychic predictions, messages and insights from my Spirit Guides, covering a time period for the next three years, (December 17th, 2020 until March 7th 2023), while Saturn is in sign of Aquarius, and how this will be affecting your Sun and Rising Signs. Saturn in Aquarius transit will be influencing your rising sign/ascendant equally or more then your sun sign, therefor I recommend you also should consider watching your Rising sign/ascendant., Thank you so much for all of your purchases of all of my videos here on Vimeo.

                                             Peace and Blessings! Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC®

 Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Psychic Crystal Readings For February 2021

Big Love Psychic Tarot Readings for 2021 Singles and Couples for Each Zodiac Sign

In these Big Love Psychic Tarot and Crystal Readings for 2021, I bring you psychic predictions and messages from my Spirit Guides for both singles and couples, both are included in each video. The first half of the videos are for single unattached people of each zodiac sign, and the second half is for the the coupled people of each zodiac sign. I used 2 different Tarot decks, plus an Oracle Card Deck, and Looked into my crystal for each zodiac sign in love for this year of 2021.

I pulled cards for the "single" people of your sign using the "Tarot Mucha Tarot Deck," plus one card from "The Psychic Tarot For The Heart Oracle Card Deck," and then looked into my crystal. I followed the same format, for the "coupled" people of each zodiac sign, where I pulled 3 cards from the "Morgan Greer Tarot Deck" and then looked into my crystal and completed the reading with a card from the Psychic Tarot for The Heart Oracle Deck."

I am honest with you in the messages I received, so please be prepared! I recommend watching your Rising sign (Ascendant) as this will show you what is more fated and destine to be in your immediate future. I wish you all the happiness, blessings and healing in the area of love, romance and love relationships this year of 2021!

                                              Peace and Blessings! Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Psychic Crystal Readings for March 2021

What's Lucky and New for You in 2021 Psychic Tarot and Oracle Card Readings From

                                   March 2021 through end of March 2022

In these psychic tarot and oracle card readings for "What's Lucky For You in 2021" videos, I pulled 3 cards from the Hanson Roberts Tarot Deck, plus an additional 3 cards from the Morgan Greer Tarot Deck, to expand the meaning and messages from first three cards, totaling 6 cards. I follow that by pulling an additional card from the Keepers of The Light Oracle Card Deck. My Spirit Guides will give me psychic predictions and messages from these cards, to give you a map of what you can expect this year as to what will be "Lucky and New" for your sun sign and/or rising sign for this year of 2021. These predictions go from March 2021 until the end of March 2022.

I highly recommend you watch both your rising sign and sun sign - to give you a much bigger and more complete picture of what's to come in these general reading for each sign of the zodiac. Please watch the trailer to get those details on why I am suggesting you check out both signs. Please keep in mind what may not seem lucky to you now may prove to be extremely lucky later on. Please note, some things that will be" new" may feel positive for you, while other some things new may not feel positive. This is another reason why I suggest watching both your sun and rising signs (if you know it, and if you're able to do so). Thank you for all of your purchases of my Vimeo videos.

                                               Peace and Blessings! Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC

Psychic Crystal Readings for April 2021

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Career and Finance Psychic Tarot and Crystal Readings for 2021

In these videos I used two different tarot decks and my crystal, to look into each zodiac sign's Career and Financial areas of life, for the next 12 to 18 months, starting in April 2021 going out into the future until the end of October 2022. However please note, there were a few predictions for some signs that jumped to different months farther ahead to the year of 2023, here and there in this video series.

I used the Hanson Roberts Tarot Deck, pulling three cards to get psychic predictions and messages for each zodiac sign's Career/Work area of life, and then looked into my crystal for your career. Then I pulled three cards from the Morgan Greer Tarot Deck, to look into each sign's Financial area of life, and then looked into my crystal for additional psychic message for your money sector. It is always wise to look at both your Sun sign as well as your Rising sign if you are able to do so, as they will be equally as important in these general readings.

                             Thank you so much for all of your purchases of all of my videos on Vimeo.

                                              Peace and Blessings! Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC®

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Psychic Crystal Readings For May 2021

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius May 2021 Psychic Tarot, Crystal and Oracle Card Readings                             

In these videos, I am looking into the energies coming from the Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius - May 26th 2021, and how it will effect each Zodiac sign for the next 6 months.  These effects can also go out further in time. 

I used 3 different divination tools; Tarot Cards, my Crystal, and the Keepers Of The Light Oracle Card Deck. Here is the format: Card #1 is what is ending for your sign, Card #2 is what is beginning, Card #3 is the blessings, and Card #4 is the Karmic lesson. Then I look into my crystal and give you additional psychic predictions and messages from my Spirt Guides, and then I conclude the reading with a Keepers Of The Light Oracle Card for your sign to bring you more messages and information. At the very end I pulled a gemstone crystal for each sign, as to what will help you with these energies over the next 6 months while being influenced by the energies form the Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius.

You might consider checking out your rising sign, as this will be equally if not more important then your Sun Sign, in regard to the effects of this Eclipse.  Thank you for all of your purchases of my Vimeo Videos!

                                           Peace and Blessings! XO Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC®

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,   Libra,   Scorpio,   Sagittarius,   Capricorn,    Aquarius,   Pisces,   

Psychic Crystal Readings For June 2021

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Solar Eclipse in Gemini June 2021 Psychic Tarot, Crystal and Oracle Card Readings

In these videos, I am looking into the energies coming from the Solar Eclipse in Gemini - June 10th 2021, and how it will effect each Zodiac sign for the next 6 months. These effects can also go out further in time. I used 3 different divination tools; Morgan Greer Tarot Cards, my Crystal, and the Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards.

Here is the format: Card #1 - what is ending for your sign, Card #2 - what is beginning, Card #3 - the blessings, and Card #4 - the Karmic lesson. Then I look into my crystal and give you additional psychic predictions and messages from my Spirt Guides, and then I go on to give you messages from the Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards. I conclude the reading with a pulled a gemstone crystal for your sign, as to what will help you with these energies over the next 6 months while being influenced by the energies form the Solar Eclipse in Gemini.

You might consider checking out your rising sign, as this will be equally if not more important then your Sun Sign, in regard to the effects of this Eclipse.

Thank you for all of your purchases of my Vimeo Videos! Peace and Blessings! XO Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC®

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Mid Year Love Update for 2021 Psychic Tarot, Crystal and Oracle Card Readings

In these Mid Year Love Update for 2021, Psychic Tarot, Crystal and Oracle Card Readings, I bring you psychic predictions and messages from my Spirit Guides for both singles and couples, both are included in each video. The first half of the videos are for single unattached people of each zodiac sign, and the second half is for the the coupled people of each zodiac sign. I used 2 different Tarot decks, looked into my crystal, plus an Oracle Card for each zodiac sign in the area of love, for the second half of this year of 2021.

I pulled cards for the "single" people of your sign using the "Hanson Roberts Tarot Deck, then looked into my crystal and then pulled one card from "The Psychic Tarot For The Heart Oracle Card" deck. I followed the same format, for the "coupled" people of each zodiac sign, where I pulled 3 cards from the "Rider Waite Universal Tarot Deck" and then looked into my crystal, and completed the reading with a card from the Psychic Tarot for The Heart Oracle Deck."

I am honest with you in the messages I received, so please be prepared! I recommend watching your Rising sign (Ascendant) as this will show you what events are more fated and destined to be in your immediate future. I wish you all the happiness, blessings and healing in the area of love, romance and love relationships the second half of year 2021! Peace and Blessings! Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,     Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,     Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,   

  Psychic Crystal Readings for Each Zodiac Sign for July 2021 

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

 Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Psychic Crystal Readings for Each Zodiac Sign for August 2021 

Horseshoe Tarot Spread Psychic Tarot Readings (2021-2022)

In these Horseshoe Tarot Spread - Psychic Tarot Readings, I have pulled 7 cards for each Zodiac sign using the Hanson Roberts Tarot Deck. The focus is what you need to know; messages, information and predictions which may shed some light and give you perspective on some things you may have questioned in your life in your past, present and future.

Here is a list of the Card Positions and what areas being addressed in these readings: Card #1 - Past Influences, Card #2 - The Present, Card #3 - Hidden Influences, Card #4 - Obstacles, Card #5 - Outside Influences, Card #6 - Suggestions, Card #7 -Outcome. Some of the messages and predictions for some of the Zodiac signs in these readings went out as far as July and August 2022. Thank you for all of your purchases of my videos on Vimeo!

                                               Peace and Blessings! Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC

 Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,   Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

 Psychic Crystal Readings For Each Zodiac Sign September 2021

 Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Uranus Retrograde in Taurus Psychic Tarot Readings for Each Sign 8/21 - 1/22

In these videos I used the Hanson Roberts Tarot Deck and psychically focused on the planet Uranus Retrograde in Taurus from August 19 the 2021 though January 18th 2022. I am giving you messages and predictions from my Spirit Guides these four areas:

Card #1 - challenges

Card #2 - changes

Card #3 - blessings

Card #4 - outcomes for each zodiac sign

You may also want to watch your Rising sign in this video series.


                                 I wish you all Peace and Blessings! Xo Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC ™

   Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Angels, Ancestors and Ascended Masters Psychic Oracle Card Reading for These Changing Times

In these videos I am focusing on receiving important messages from the Angels, Ancestors and Ascended Masters for these changing and challenging times, for each Zodiac sign - pulling four cards for each Zodiac sign, using four different oracle decks: Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards, Ask an Angel Oracle Cards, The Keepers Of The Light Oracle Cards, and Angels, Gods and Goddesses Oracle Cards. The time frame for the messages and predictions in these videos varied for the Zodiac signs. Some signs the time frame seemed to cover between September 2021 and out until February 2022 - and others go out to April and even August of 2022. You may also want to watch your rising sign in this particular series to get the most soul guidance and messages as possible.

                   I wish you the feeling of Hope springing eternal in each of you, true happiness and love.

            May you be safe, well, protected and blessed! Peace and Blessings! Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC

Psychic Crystal Readings for Each Zodiac Sign October 2021

Lunar Eclipse in Taurus November 2021 Psychic Tarot, Crystal and Oracle Card Readings 

In these videos, I am looking into the energies coming from the Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse on November 18th-19th 2021, and how it will effect each Zodiac sign for the next 6 months.

I used 3 different divination tools in these psychic readings; The Morgan Greer Tarot Deck, my Crystal, and a card from the Wisdom of Avalon Oracle Cards. Here is the format:

Card #1 - what is ending for your sign

Card #2 - what's beginning

Card #3 - the blessings

Card #4 - the Karmic lesson

Then I look into my crystal and give you additional psychic predictions and messages from my Spirt Guides. Then I give you messages and predictions from The Wisdom of Avalon Oracle Card for your zodiac sign. At the very end of each reading I pulled a gemstone crystal for each sign, as to what will help you when dealing with these energies over the next 3 - 6 months while being influenced by the energies form the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. You might consider checking out your rising sign, as this will be equally if not more important then your Sun Sign, in regard to the effects of this Eclipse.

Thank you for all of your purchases of my Vimeo Videos! Peace and Blessings! XO Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC®

  Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,   Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

 Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,   Pisces,

Psychic Crystal Readings For Each Zodiac Sign for November 2021

 In these videos, I am looking into the energies coming from the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius December 4th 2021, and how it will affect each Zodiac sign for the next 3 to 6 months, and can also last for a year.

I used 3 different divination tools in these psychic readings; The Hanson Roberts Tarot Deck, my Crystal, and a card from the Angels, Gods and Goddesses Oracle Cards. Here is the format:

Card #1 - what is ending for your sign

Card #2 - what's beginning

Card #3 - the blessings

Card #4 - the Karmic lesson

Then I look into my crystal and give you additional psychic predictions and messages from my Spirt Guides. I then give you messages and predictions from the Angels Gods and Goddess Oracle Card for your zodiac sign. At the very end of each reading I pulled a gemstone crystal for each sign, as to what will help you when dealing with these energies over the next 3 - 6 months while being influenced by the energies form the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius. I advise that might consider also checking out your rising sign, as this will be equally if not more important then your Sun Sign, in regard to the effects of this Solar Eclipse.

                               Thank you for all of your purchases of my Vimeo Videos! Peace and Blessings!

                                                           XO Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC®

 Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius December 2021 Psychic Tarot, Crystal and Oracle Card Readings

In these Psychic Tarot Readings for the New Year of 2022, I am bringing you psychic predictions and messages from my Spirit Guides for each sign of the Zodiac for the New Year of 2022, using "The Year Ahead" tarot layout. This layout has a total of 14 cards; seven main cards and an additional 7 cards, to expand on each of the main 7 card's meaning. I am using the Hanson Roberts Tarot Deck and the Morgan Greer Tarot deck in these readings:

Card Position #1: Sunset Card - Lessons from the previous year. What you've accomplished or did not accomplish in 2021.
Card Position #2: Horizon Card - What you can expect in 2022, what you want to achieve - your hopes and aspirations.
Card Position #3: Obstacle Card - Obstacle and challenges you'll face in 2022.
Card Position #4: Strength Card - How to harness your inner power, how to resolve issues, untapped power.
Card Position #5: Advice Card - Lessons learned last year, what to avoid and not repeat in 2022.
Card Position #6: Navigation Card - Guidance for the year ahead, best action steps to take. Where to focus your mind and energy.
Card Position #7: Clarity Card - Your personal theme for the year. Use your energy to set your intention for the year to come. Overall life plan and higher purpose. Its your intention for the year.

I advise you to also check out your rising sign in this video series, as there will messages important for you there as well to give you a bigger picture of what you can expect in 2022. And remember there are some people who find their rising sign resonates more for them then their sun sign in my Guides predictions and messages.

                                  I hope these readings will be helpful to you this New Year of 2022!
                      Many Blessings and Peace to you all in 2022! XO Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC®

  Psychic Tarot Readings for The New Year of 2022 

Psychic Crystal Readings For Each Zodiac Sign for December 2021 

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

 Psychic Crystal Readings for Each Zodiac Sign January 2022

  Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

 Psychic Crystal Readings for Each Zodiac Sign for February 2022

Big Love Readings for 2022 for Singles and Couples

In these Big Love Psychic Tarot and Crystal Readings for 2022, I bring you psychic predictions and messages from my Spirit Guides for both singles and couples, both are included in each video. The first half of the videos are for single unattached people of each zodiac sign, and the second half is for the the coupled people of each zodiac sign. I used 2 different Tarot decks, plus an Oracle Card Deck, and Looked into my crystal for each zodiac sign in love for this year of 2021.

For the "single" people of your sign I used the "Tarot Mucha Tarot Deck," then looked into my crystal and finally I pulled one card from "The Psychic Tarot For The Heart Oracle Card Deck." I followed the same format, for the "coupled" people of each zodiac sign, where I pulled 3 cards from the "Morgan Greer Tarot Deck" and then looked into my crystal and completed the reading with a card from the "Psychic Tarot for The Heart Oracle Deck."

I am honest with you in the messages I received, so please be prepared! These love readings may not always give you the messages you are hoping to hear. Please consider watching the entire reading, as there may be messages that apply to you in both the singles and couples parts of the video. I highly recommend watching your Rising sign (Ascendant) as this will show you what is more fated and destine to be in your future. I wish you all the happiness, blessings and healing in the area of love, romance and love relationships this year of 2022! Peace and Blessings! Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Psychic Crystal Readings For Each Zodiac Sign For March 2022

 Aries,     Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,   Pisces,

 What's Lucky and New for You in 2022 Psychic Tarot and Oracle Card Readings

In these psychic tarot and oracle card readings for "What's Lucky For You in 2022" videos, I pulled 3 cards from the Hanson Roberts Tarot Deck, plus an additional 3 cards from the Morgan Greer Tarot Deck, to expand the meaning and messages from first three cards, totaling 6 cards. I follow that by pulling an additional card from the Keepers of The Light Oracle Card Deck. My Spirit Guides will give me psychic predictions and messages from these cards, to give you a map of what you can expect this year as to what will be "Lucky and New" for your sun sign and/or rising sign for this year of 2022. These predictions go from March 2022 until the end of March 2023.

I highly recommend you watch both your rising sign and sun sign - to give you a much bigger and more complete picture of what's to come in these general reading for each sign of the zodiac. Please keep in mind what may not seem lucky to you now may prove to be extremely lucky later on. Please note, some things that will be" new" may feel positive for you, while other some things new may not feel positive. This is another reason why I suggest watching both your sun and rising signs (if you know it, and if you're able to do so). Thank you for all of your purchases of my Vimeo videos. Peace and Blessings! Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC

  Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,   Virgo,   Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Psychic Crystal Readings for Each Zodiac Sign For April 2022

 Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Solar Eclipse in Taurus April 2022 Psychic Tarot, Crystal and Oracle Card Readings 


In these videos, I am looking into the energies coming from the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus April 2022 and how it will affect each Zodiac sign for the next 6 months, which can also last for a year.

I used 3 different divination tools in these psychic readings; The Morgan Greer Tarot Deck, my Crystal, and a card from The Wisdom of Avalon Oracle Cards.

Here is the format:

Card #1 - what is ending for your sign,
Card #2 - what's beginning,
Card #3 - the blessings,
Card #4 - the Karmic lesson.

Then I look into my crystal and give you additional psychic predictions and messages from my Spirt Guides.

I then give you messages and predictions from the Wisdom of Avalon Oracle Card for your zodiac sign.

At the very end of each reading I pulled a gemstone crystal for each sign, as to what will help you when dealing with these energies over the next 6 months while being influenced by the energies form the New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus.

I advise considering also watching your rising sign, as this will be equally if not more important then your sun sign, in regard to the effects of this Solar Eclipse.

Thank you for all of your purchases of my Vimeo Videos! Peace and Blessings! XO Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC®

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,   Leo,    Virgo,   Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Career and Finance Psychic Tarot and Crystal Readings 2022 

In these videos I used two different tarot decks and my crystal, to look into each zodiac sign's Career and Financial areas of life, for the next 12 to 18 months, starting in April 2022 going out into the future until the end of October 2023.

I used the Hanson Roberts Tarot Deck, pulling three cards to get psychic predictions and messages for each zodiac sign's Career/Work area of life. Then I pulled three cards from the Morgan Greer Tarot Deck, to look into each sign's Financial area of life, and then looked into my crystal for additional psychic message for your career and then your finances. It is always wise to look at both your Sun sign as well as your Rising sign if you are able to do so, as they will be equally as important in these general readings. Thank you so much for all of your purchases of all of my videos on Vimeo. Peace and Blessings! Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC®

 Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Psychic Crystal Readings for Each Zodiac Signs for May 2022

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Psychic Crystal Readings for Each Zodiac Sign for June 2022

  Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Mid Year Psychic Tarot Update for 2022 for Each Zodiac Sign

In these readings I am focusing on the "Mid Year Psychic Tarot Update for 2022" for each zodiac sign, I have done the center of the Celtic Cross Tarot Spread - 6 card layout.

The center Card #1 - is what is on top of you and significant in some way for you the second half of this year.

Card #2 - the card crossing the center card is giving you more information about what is affecting you and/or influencing - helping or hindering you with what's going on in card number one.

Card #3 - is crowning the reading and will be fact or "what is," either it's already happened, happening right now or getting ready to happen very soon.

Card #4 - is something from the near OR distant past that is affecting you this second half of 2022.

Card # 5 - is at the bottom of the layout, and represents the energies your are traveling though these next 6 months.

Card #6 - is what's to come in for you in your near future.

I hope these Mid Year Psychic Tarot Update Readings for 2022 - general readings for each zodiac sign will be helpful and give you some insight as to what you might expect to experience in the second half of this year of 2022. I advise you to also watch your rising sign if you know it, as it may give you a better idea of what's to come for you, and more insight and information the remainder of 2022. Thanks so much for all of your purchases of my videos on Vimeo.

                                              Peace and Blessings! xo Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC®

 Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

  Psychic Crystal Readings for Each Zodiac Sign for July 2022

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

In these Mid Year Love and Romance Psychic Tarot Update for 2022 readings - I have pulled 5 tarot cards from the Morgan Greer tarot deck, plus 1 card from the Psychic Tarot For the Heart Oracle Cards by John Holland, for each astrological sign of the zodiac, to give you psychic predictions and messages about your love life now and moving forward until the end of this year and the beginning of next, starting in July 2022.

My Spirit Guides also mentioned for a few of the signs, some past love relationships may be affecting you now as well. Please keep in mind these are general readings, and to get a clearer picture and more information, you might want to check out your rising and moon signs as well.

Card #1 - What may be Influencing your love life.

Card#2 - What may be new in you love life this second half of 2022.

Card #3 - Possible Challenges to you love life.

Card #4 - What you need to know - Advice.

Card # 5 - The potential outcome for you love life the remainder of 2022.

Oracle Card from the Psychic Tarot for the Heart Oracle Cards - Additional messages.

I hope these readings will be helpful and useful for you in the area of love and romance. Thanks so much! Peace and Blessings! Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC®

Mid Year Love and Romance Psychic Tarot Update for 2022

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

 Psychic Crystal Readings for Each Zodiac Sign for August 2022

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Psychic Crystal Readings for Each Zodiac Sign for September 2022

  Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius.    Pisces,

Mars Retrograde Psychic Tarot Scopes for 2022-2023 For Each Zodiac Sign

 Welcome to your Mars Retrograde Psychic Tarot-Scopes For Each Zodiac Sign. In these psychic readings I used three divination tools. First I looked into 4 Tarot Cards from the "Morgan Greer Tarot Deck." Then I pull one card for your sign from the "Messages From Your Animal Spirit Guide Oracle Cards" to show you what Animal Spirit Guide will be helping, influencing and bringing messages to your astrological sign during the Mars retrograde period. Next I pulled a gemstone crystal from my bag of gemstones to see what will be the most beneficial stone for you to work with, use and/or wear, and I will tell you how it will be helping you during the Mars Retrograde period, as well as the pre and post shadow phases. This reading will cover a time period from September 3rd 2022 until March 15th 2023, plus up to 4 months that follow, once Mars is completely direct and out of the shadow phase.

Card #1 - What is happening in your life that may be an area that is being of focus during this Mars Retrograde period.

Card #2 - This card speaks of what is challenging to you during Mars Retrograde.

Card #3 - This will show what will be a blessing to you.

Card #4 - This last tarot card will be the result of the Mars Retrograde period of your life, which may show up once Mars is direct and out of the shadow period, after March 15th 2023.

1 Card from the Messages From Your Animal Spirit Guides Oracle Cards

1 Gemstone Crystal

I hope these messages will be helpful to you as you travel through this Mars Retrograde and also its pre and post shadow phases. Thanks so much for all of your purchases of my readings on Vimeo. Peace and Blessings! XO Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC®

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Psychic Crystal Readings For Each Zodiac Sign For October 2022

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Psychic Crystal Readings for Each Zodiac Sign November 2022

 Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

In these videos, I am looking into the energies coming from the New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio October 25th 2022 and how it will affect each Zodiac sign for the next 6 months, which can also last for a year.

I used 3 different divination tools in these psychic readings; The Morgan Greer Tarot Deck, my Crystal, and a card from The Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards.

Here is the format:

Card #1 - what is ending for your sign,
Card #2 - what's beginning,
Card #3 - the blessings,
Card #4 - the Karmic lesson.

Then I look into my crystal and give you additional psychic predictions and messages from my Spirt Guides.

I then give you messages and predictions from the Wisdom of Avalon Oracle Card for your zodiac sign.

At the very end of each reading I pulled a gemstone crystal for each sign, as to what will help you when dealing with these energies over the next 6 months while being influenced by the energies form the New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio.

I advise considering also watching your rising sign, as this will be equally if not more important then your sun sign, in regard to the effects of this Solar Eclipse.

Thank you for all of your purchases of my Vimeo Videos! Peace and Blessings! XO Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC®

Eclipse Effects From The Solar Eclipse in Scorpio October 25th 2022 for Each Zodiac Sign

 Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus November 8th 2022

     Psychic Tarot Crystal and Oracle Card Reading

In these videos, I am looking into the energies coming from the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus November 8th 2022 and how it will affect each Zodiac sign for the next 6 months, which can also last for a year.

I used 3 different divination tools in these psychic readings; The Hanson Roberts Tarot Deck, my Crystal, and a card from The Angels, Gods and Goddesses Oracle Cards, my Crystal Sphere and also a gemstone crystal.

Here is the format:

Card #1 - what is ending for your sign,
Card #2 - what's beginning,
Card #3 - the blessings,
Card #4 - the Karmic lesson.

Then I look into my crystal and give you additional psychic predictions and messages from my Spirt Guides.

I then give you messages and predictions from the Wisdom of Avalon Oracle Card for your zodiac sign.

At the very end of each reading I pulled a gemstone crystal for each sign, as to what will help you when dealing with these energies over the next 6 months while being influenced by the energies form the New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio.

I advise considering also watching your rising sign, as this will be equally if not more important then your sun sign, in regard to the effects of this Solar Eclipse.

Thank you for all of your purchases of my Vimeo Videos! Peace and Blessings! XO Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC®

 Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Psychic Crystal Readings for Each Zodiac Sign December 2022

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

New Year 2023 Psychic Tarot Readings for Each Zodiac Sign

In these New Year 2023 Psychic Tarot Readings for Each Sign of the Zodiac, I am using a New Year Tarot Spread. This Layout has a total of 16 cards. The first 8 cards each have an additional accompanying card to expand the psychic messages and predictions, to give more insights and information. I am using the Hanson Roberts Tarot Deck and The Morgan Greer Tarot Deck in these New Year 2023 Psychic Tarot Readings.

Card #1 - The main theme and focus for you in 2023
Card #2 - Energies you are departing from and leaving behind from 2022
Card #3 - Talents you’ll be expressing this in this New Year
Card #4 - Future opportunities
Card #5 - Upcoming obstacles
Card #6 - How to deal with obstacles that arise - possible solutions
Card #7 - How to achieve your goals and dreams
Card #8 - Overall energies and outcomes for you in 2023

I advise you to check out your rising sign/ascendant in this series, as there will be important messages and predictions for you there as well, which will help give you a much bigger and more clear picture of what’s to come for you in 2023. Please remember, there are some people who will find their rising sign resonates more for them than their sun sign in my Guides messages and predictions.

I hope these readings will be of help to you in this New Year of 2023. Many Blessings and Peace to you all in 2023! XO Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC®

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Psychic Crystal Readings for Each Zodiac Sign for January 2023

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Psychic Crystal Readings For The New Year of 2023 For Each Zodiac Sign

Over the past 8 years I have had viewers ask and suggest that I do Psychic Crystal Readings for the New Year in addition to my Psychic Tarot Readings for the New Year. Many people seem to like and get a lot of helpful insights and psychic messages and predictions from my monthly Psychic Crystal readings, so for this upcoming New Year of 2023 finally have added Psychic Crystal Readings For 2023 for each zodiac sign, in addition to my New Year of 2023 Psychic Tarot Readings.

In these readings I have looked into my crystal and focused on getting messages and predictions from my Spirit Guides for the New Year of 2023 for each zodiac sign. The areas I looked into in these readings are as follows:

1. How the overall energy of this new year will feel to you
2. What to be aware of and the cautions and blessings in the New Year of 2023
3. Work
4. Business
5. Money and finances
6. Love for singles, dating and couples
7. Family
8. Health
9. Additional blessings
10. Possible complications
11. Helpful energies

If you can do so, you may find it helpful to watch both your sun sign as well as your rising sign in this video series, to give you a more well rounded picture of what to expect in the New Year of 2023 - in these general readings. Some of you might also want to watch your moon sign if you tend to find that you moon sign resonates with you on my YouTube readings over the years.

Thanks so much for all of your purchases of my videos on Vimeo! Peace and Blessings! Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC®

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Big Love Readings for 2023 for Singles and Couples

In these Big Love Psychic Tarot and Crystal Readings for 2023, I bring you psychic predictions and messages from my Spirit Guides for both singles and couples, both are included in each video. The first half of the videos are for single unattached people of each zodiac sign, and the second half is for the the coupled people of each zodiac sign. I used 2 different Tarot decks, plus an Oracle Card Deck, and Looked into my crystal for each zodiac sign in love for this year of 2023.

For the "single" people of your sign I used the "Tarot Mucha Tarot Deck," then looked into my crystal and finally I pulled one card from "The Psychic Tarot For The Heart Oracle Card Deck." I followed the same format, for the "coupled" people of each zodiac sign, where I pulled 3 cards from the "Morgan Greer Tarot Deck" and then looked into my crystal and completed the reading with a card from the Psychic Tarot for The Heart Oracle Deck."

I am honest with you in the messages I received, so please be prepared! These love readings may not always give you the messages you are hoping to hear. Please consider watching the entire reading, as there may be messages that apply to you in both the singles and couples parts of the video. I highly recommend watching your Rising sign (Ascendant) as this will show you what is more fated and destine to be in your immediate future. I wish you all the happiness, blessings and healing in the area of love, romance and love relationships this year of 2023!     

                                            Peace and Blessings! Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Psychic Crystal Reading for Each Zodiac Sign February 2023

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Saturn in Pisces Psychic Tarot and Oracle Card Reading for Each Zodiac Sign

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,          

In these readings I am using 2 different tarot decks, the Hanson Roberts Deck and the Morgan Greer Tarot Deck, where I will pull 3 cards from each deck, for a total of 6 cards, and I will conclude the readings by looking into my Crystal. I will be using these tools to give you psychic predictions, messages and insights from my Spirit Guides, covering a time period for the next three years, (March 7th, 2023 until May 24th 2025), while

Saturn is in sign of Pisces, and how this will be affecting your Sun and Rising Signs. Saturn in Pisces transit will be influencing your rising sign/ascendant equally or more then your sun sign, therefor I recommend you also should consider watching your rising sign/ascendant.

                         Thank you so much for all of your purchases of all of my videos here on Vimeo.

                                          Peace and Blessings! Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC®

Psychic Crystal Readings for Each Zodiac Sign for March 2023 

 Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,   Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

What's Lucky and New for You in 2023 Psychic Tarot and Oracle Card Readings

In these psychic tarot and oracle card readings for "What's Lucky For You in 2023" videos, I pulled 3 cards from the Hanson Roberts Tarot Deck, plus an additional 3 cards from the Morgan Greer Tarot Deck, to expand the meaning and messages from first three cards, totaling 6 cards. I follow that by pulling an additional card from the Keepers of The Light Oracle Card Deck. My Spirit Guides will give me psychic predictions and messages from these cards, to give you a map of what you can expect this year as to what will be "Lucky and New" for your sun sign and/or rising sign for this year of 2023. These predictions go from March 2023 until the end of March 2024.

I highly recommend you watch both your rising sign and sun sign - to give you a much bigger and more complete picture of what's to come in these general reading for each sign of the zodiac. Please keep in mind what may not seem lucky to you now may prove to be extremely lucky later on. Please note, some things that will be" new" may feel positive for you, while other some things new may not feel positive. This is another reason why I suggest watching both your sun and rising signs (if you know it, and if you're able to do so).

   Thank you for all of your purchases of my Vimeo videos. Peace and Blessings! Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Psychic Crystal Readings for Each Zodiac Sign for April 2023

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

In these videos, I am looking into the energies coming from the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries April 2023, and how it will affect each Zodiac sign for the next 6 months, which can also last for a year.

I used 3 different divination tools in these psychic readings; The Morgan Greer Tarot Deck, my Crystal, and a card from The Moonology Oracle Cards.

Here is the format:

Card #1 - what is ending for your sign,
Card #2 - what's beginning,
Card #3 - the blessings,
Card #4 - the Karmic lesson.

Then I look into my crystal and give you additional psychic predictions and messages from my Spirt Guides.

I then give you messages and predictions from the Moonology Oracle Card for your zodiac sign.

At the very end of each reading I pulled a gemstone crystal for each sign, as to what will help you when dealing with these energies over the next 6 months while being influenced by the energies form the New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus.

I advise considering also watching your rising sign, as this will be equally if not more important then your sun sign, in regard to the effects of this Solar Eclipse.

Thank you for all of your purchases of my Vimeo Videos! Peace and Blessings! XO Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC®

Eclipse Effects for the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries April 20th 2023                    Psychic Tarot Crystal and Oracle Card Readings

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Career and Finance Psychic Tarot and Crystal Readings 2023 For The Next 12-18 Months

In these videos I used two different tarot decks and my crystal, to look into each zodiac sign's Career and Financial areas of life, for the next 12 to 18 months, starting in April 2023 going out into the future until the end of October 2024.

I used the Hanson Roberts Tarot Deck, pulling three cards to get psychic predictions and messages for each zodiac sign's Career/Work area of life. Then I pulled three cards from the Morgan Greer Tarot Deck, to look into each sign's Financial area of life, and then looked into my crystal for additional psychic message for your career and then your finances. It is always wise to look at both your Sun sign as well as your Rising sign if you are able to do so, as they will be equally as important in these general readings.

                                  Thank you so much for all of your purchases of all of my videos on Vimeo.

                                                  Peace and Blessings! Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC®

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Horseshoe Tarot 7 Card Psychic Tarot Readings from August of 2023 - August 2024

In these Horseshoe Tarot Spread - Psychic Tarot Readings, I have pulled 7 cards for each Zodiac sign using the Hanson Roberts Tarot Deck. The focus is what you need to know; messages, information and predictions which may shed some light and give you perspective on some things you may have questioned in your life in your past, present and future.

Here is a list of the Card Positions and what areas being addressed in these readings:

Card #1 - Past Influences
Card #2 - The Present
Card #3 - Hidden Influences
Card #4 - Obstacles
Card #5 - Outside Influences
Card #6 - Suggestions
Card #7 - Outcome

These messages and predictions for each of the Zodiac signs in these readings cover a one year period and went out from August of 2023 until August 2024.

Thank you for all of your purchases of my videos on Vimeo! Peace and Blessings! Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Psychic Crystal Readings for Each Zodiac Sign for September 2023

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra October 14th 2023 Psychic Tarot, Crystal

                 and Oracle Card Readings (for 6 months up to 1 year)

In these videos, I am looking into the energies coming from the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra October 2023, and how it will affect each Zodiac sign for the next 6 months, which can also last for up to a year.

I used 3 different divination tools in these psychic readings; The Morgan Greer Tarot Deck, my Crystal, and a card from The Moonology Oracle Cards.

Here is the format:

Card #1 - what is ending for your sign,
Card #2 - what's beginning,
Card #3 - the blessings,
Card #4 - the Karmic lesson.

Then I look into my crystal and give you additional psychic predictions and messages from my Spirit Guides.

I then give you messages and predictions from the Moonology Oracle Card for your zodiac sign.

At the very end of each reading I pulled a gemstone crystal for each sign, as to what will help you when dealing with these energies over the next 6 months while being influenced by the energies from the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra.

I advise considering also watching your rising sign, as this will be equally if not more important then your sun sign, in regard to the effects of this Solar Eclipse.

Thank you for all of your purchases of my Vimeo Videos! Peace and Blessings! XO Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC®

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Mid Year Psychic Tarot Update for 2023

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Mid Year Love and Romance Psychic Tarot Update for 2023

In these Mid-Year Love and Romance Update for 2023, Psychic Tarot, Crystal and Oracle Card Readings, I bring you psychic predictions and messages from my Spirit Guides for both singles and couples, both are included in each video. The first half of the videos are for single unattached people of each zodiac sign, and the second half is for the the coupled people of each zodiac sign.

I used 2 different Tarot decks, The Hanson Roberts Tarot Deck for the Singles and the Morgan Greer Tarot Deck for the couples, and then I pulled a card from the John Holland Psychic Tarot from the Heart Oracle Card for both singles and couples to give messages for the area of love and romance, for the second half of this year of 2023.

I am honest with you in the messages I received, so please be prepared! I recommend watching your Rising sign (Ascendant) as this will show you what events are more fated and destined to be in your immediate future. I wish you all the happiness, blessings and healing in the area of love, romance and love relationships the second half of year 2023!

                                                 Peace and Blessings! Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

In these readings I am focusing on the "Mid-Year Psychic Tarot Update for 2023" for each zodiac sign, I have done the center of the Celtic Cross Tarot Spread - 6 card layout.

The center Card #1 - is what is on top of you and significant in some way for you the second half of this year.

Card #2 - the card crossing the center card is giving you more information about what is affecting you and/or influencing - helping or hindering you with what's going on in card number one.

Card #3 - is crowning the reading and will be fact or "what is," either it's already happened, happening right now or getting ready to happen very soon


Card #4 - is something from the near OR distant past that is affecting you this second half of 2023.

Card # 5 - is at the bottom of the layout and represents the energies you are traveling though these next 6 months.

Card #6 - is what's to come in for you in your near future.

I hope these Mid-Year Psychic Tarot Update Readings for 2023 - general readings for each zodiac sign will be helpful and give you some insight as to what you might expect to experience in the second half of this year of 2023. I advise you to also watch your rising sign if you know it, as it may give you a better idea of what's to come for you, and more insight and information the remainder of 2023. Thanks so much for all of your purchases of my videos on Vimeo.

                                            Peace and Blessings! xo Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC®

Psychic Crystal Readings for October 2023 for Each Zodiac Sign

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus October 28th 2023 Psychic Tarot, Crystal

                   and oracle Card Readings (for 6 months up to a year)

In these videos, I am looking into the energies coming from the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus October 2023, and how it will affect each Zodiac sign for the next 6 months, which can also last for up to a year.

I used 3 different divination tools in these psychic readings: The Hansen Roberts Tarot Deck, my Crystal, and a card from The Moonology Oracle Cards.

Here is the format:

Card #1 - what is ending for your sign,
Card #2 - what's beginning,
Card #3 - the blessings,
Card #4 - the Karmic lesson.

Then I look into my crystal and give you additional psychic predictions and messages from my Spirit Guides.

I then give you messages and predictions from the Moonology Oracle Card for your zodiac sign.

At the very end of each reading, I pulled a gemstone crystal for each sign, as to what will help you when dealing with these energies over the next 6 months while being influenced by the energies from the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus.

I advise considering also watching your rising sign, as this will be equally if not more important than your sun sign, in regard to the effects of this Lunar Eclipse.

Thank you for all of your purchases of my Vimeo Videos! Peace and Blessings! XO Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC®

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Psychic Crystal Reading for November 2023 for Each Zodiac Sign

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

             Psychic Crystal Readings for December 2023 for Each Zodiac Sign

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

In these Psychic Tarot Readings for the New Year of 2024,10 Card Celtic Cross Tarot Spread, I'm using the Hanson Roberts Tarot Deck, to bring you messages and predictions from my Spirit Guides for what you may expect to experience in the New Year of 2024.

Card #1 - The Present
Card #2 - Immediate Influence
Card #3 - Goal, Destiny or Fact
Card #4 - Distant Past Foundation
Card #5 - Recent Past or what you're traveling through in 2024
Card #6 - Future Influence/Events
Card #7 - The Questioner
Card #8 - Environmental Factors
Card #9 - Emotions
Card #10 - Result/Outcome

Thank you for purchasing my videos on Vimeo! Happy New Year in 2024!

Peace and Blessings! Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC®

New Year 2024 10 Card Celtic Cross Tarot Readings for Each Zodiac Sign

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

In these Big Love Psychic Tarot and Crystal Readings for 2024, I bring you psychic predictions and messages from my Spirit Guides for both singles and couples, both are included in each video. The first half of the videos are for single unattached people of each zodiac sign, and the second half is for the the coupled people of each zodiac sign. I used 2 different Tarot decks, plus an Oracle Card Deck, and Looked into my crystal for each zodiac sign in love for this year of 2024.

For the "single" people of your sign I used the "Tarot Mucha Tarot Deck," then looked into my crystal and finally I pulled one card from "The Psychic Tarot for The Heart Oracle Card Deck." I followed the same format, for the "coupled" people of each zodiac sign, where I pulled 3 cards from the "Morgan Greer Tarot Deck" and then looked into my crystal and completed the reading with a card from the "Psychic Tarot for The Heart Oracle Deck."

I am honest with you in the messages I received, so please be prepared! These love readings may not always give you the messages you are hoping to hear. Please consider watching the entire reading, as there may be messages that apply to you in both the singles and couple's parts of the video. I highly recommend watching your Rising sign (Ascendant) as this will show you what is more fated and destine to be in your future.

I wish you all the happiness, blessings and healing in the area of love, romance and love relationships this year                                           of 2024! Peace and Blessings! Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Big Love Readings for Singles and Couples for 2024 for Each Zodiac Sign

Psychic Crystal Readings for the New Year of 2024

In these readings I've looked into my crystal to bring you messages and predictions from my Spirit Guides for the New Year of 2024 for each zodiac sign. The areas I looked into in these readings are as follows:

1. How the overall energy of this new year will feel to you
2. What to be aware of and the cautions and blessings in the New Year of 2024
3. Work
4. Business
5. Money and finances
6. Love for singles, dating and couples
7. Family
8. Health
9. Additional blessings
10. Possible complications
11. Helpful energies
12. Blessings

If you can do so, you may find it helpful to watch both your sun sign as well as your rising sign in this video series, to give you a more well-rounded picture of what to expect in the New Year of 2024 - in these general readings. Some of you might also want to watch your moon sign if you tend to find that you moon sign resonates with you on my YouTube readings over the years.

Thanks so much for all of your purchases of my videos on Vimeo! Peace and Blessings! Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Psychic Crystal Readings for January 2024 for Each Zodiac Sign

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

     Full Moon lunar Eclipse in Libra March 25th 2024 Psychic Tarot Crystal and Oracle Card                                                Reading (for 6 Months and up to a Year)

In these videos, I am looking into the energies coming from the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra March 25th, 2024, and how it will affect each Zodiac sign for the next 6 months and up to a year.

I used 3 different divination tools in these psychic readings; The Morgan Greer Tarot Deck, my Crystal, and The Moonology Oracle Cards.

Here is the format:

Card #1 - what is ending for your sign,
Card #2 - what's beginning,
Card #3 - the blessings,
Card #4 - the Karmic lesson.

Then I look into my crystal and give you additional psychic predictions and messages from my Spirit Guides for this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra and how areas of your life will be affected by the energies.

I then give you more messages and predictions from the Moonology Oracle Card for your zodiac sign.

At the very end of each reading, I pulled a gemstone crystal for each sign, as to what will help you when dealing with these energies over the next 6 months up to a year, while being influenced by the energies from the Solar Eclipse in Aries.

I advise watching your rising sign as well as your sun sign, as it will be equally if not more important than your sun sign, in regard to the effects of this Lunar Eclipse.

Thank you for all of your purchases of my Vimeo Videos! Peace and Blessings! XO Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC®

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Psychic Crystal Readings for March 2024 for Each Zodiac Sign

 Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

What's Lucky and New for You in 2024 ~ Psychic Tarot and Oracle Card Readings

In these psychic tarot and oracle card readings for "What's Lucky For You in 2024" videos, I pulled 3 cards from the Hanson Roberts Tarot Deck, plus an additional 3 cards from the Morgan Greer Tarot Deck, to expand the meaning and messages from first three cards, totaling 6 cards. I follow that by pulling an additional card from the Keepers of The Light Oracle Card Deck. My Spirit Guides will give me psychic predictions and messages from these cards, to give you a map of what you can expect this year as to what will be "Lucky and New" for your sun sign and/or rising sign for this year of 2024. These predictions go from April 2024 until January 2025.

I highly recommend you watch both your rising sign and sun sign - to give you a much bigger and more complete picture of what's to come in these general reading for each sign of the zodiac. Please keep in mind what may not seem lucky to you now may prove to be extremely lucky later on. Please note, some things that will be" new" may feel positive for you, while other some things new may not feel positive. This is another reason why I suggest watching both your sun and rising signs (if you know it, and if you're able to do so). Thank you for all of your purchases of my Vimeo videos.

                                                Peace and Blessings! Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Psychic Crystal Reading for April 2024 for Each Zodiac Sign

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Psychic Crystal Reading for May 2024 for Each Zodiac Sign

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

2024 Financial Psychic Tarot Readings 

In these 2024 Financial Psychic Tarot Readings I am looking into the area of you financial picture for this year using the Hanson Roberts Tarot Deck and doing a 5-card tarot spread for each of the 12 Zodiac signs.

Here is the format:

Card 1 - Your Current financial position in 2024

Card 2 - What is lacking in your financial flow.

Card 3 - What are your beliefs that are contributing to any financial blocks you may be experiencing.

Card 4 - Changes that can be made to improve your financial situation.

Card 5 - Final outcome for your finances in 2024

Since these are general readings, I recommend watching both your sun sign and rising sign in this video series to get more of a complete picture of what's happening in your financial sector of life this year.

                      Thank you so much for all of your purchases of my Vimeo Videos and supporting my work.

                                                                 XO Pam The Lucky Mermaid LLC®

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Psychic Crystal Readings for June 2024 for Each Zodiac Sign

 Psychic Crystal Reading for July 2024 for Each Zodiac Sign

  Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

In these readings I am focusing on the "Mid Year Psychic Tarot Update for 2024" for each zodiac sign, I have done the center of the Celtic Cross Tarot Spread - 6 card layout.

The center Card #1 - is what is on top of you and significant in some way for you the second half of this year.

Card #2 - the card crossing the center card is giving you more information about what is affecting you and/or influencing - helping or hindering you with what's going on in card number one.

Card #3 - is crowning the reading and will be fact or "what is," either it's already happened, happening right now or getting ready to happen very soon.

Card #4 - is something from the near OR distant past that is affecting you this second half of 2024.

Card # 5 - is at the bottom of the layout, and represents the energies your are traveling though these next 6 months.

Card #6 - is what's to come in for you in your near future.

I hope these Mid Year Psychic Tarot Update Readings for 2024 - general readings for each zodiac sign will be helpful and give you some insight as to what you might expect to experience in the second half of this year of 2024. I advise you to also watch your rising sign if you know it, as it may give you a better idea of what's to come for you, and more insight and information the remainder of 2024. Thanks so much for all of your purchases of my videos on Vimeo. Peace and Blessings! xo Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC®

Mid - Year Psychic Tarot Update for 2024

 Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

In these 2024 Mid-Year Love and Romance Psychic Tarot Update readings I've pulled 5 tarot cards from the Hanson Roberts tarot deck, plus 1 card from the Psychic Tarot for the Heart Oracle Cards by John Holland, for each astrological sign of the zodiac, to give you psychic predictions and messages about your love life now and moving forward until the end of this year in 2024.

I psychically read each tarot card for both singles and couples. First, I look into the single people of your zodiac sign, and then I look into the coupled people of your sign in each of the 5 tarot cards and also for the oracle card. I used a timer to make sure I devoted time as equally as possible to both singles and couples for each tarot card in these mid-year update Love Readings for the rest of the year of 2024.

Please keep in mind these are general readings, and to get a clearer picture and more information, you might want to check out both your rising and moon signs as well.

Card #1 - What may be Influencing your love life.

Card#2 - What may be new in you love life this second half of 2024.

Card #3 - Possible Challenges to you love life.

Card #4 - What you need to know - Advice.

Card # 5 - The potential outcome for you love life the remainder of 2024.

Oracle Card from the Psychic Tarot for the Heart Oracle Cards - Additional messages.

I hope these readings will be helpful and useful for you in the area of love and romance. Thanks so much! Peace and Blessings! Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC®

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

2024 Mid - Year Love and Romance Psychic Tarot Update

Psychic Crystal Readings for August 2024 for Each Zodiac Sign

Aries,    Taurus,     Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Horseshoe Tarot 7 Card Spread Psychic Tarot Reading July 2024 - July 2025

In these Horseshoe Tarot Spread - Psychic Tarot Readings, I have pulled 7 cards for each Zodiac sign using the Hanson Roberts Tarot Deck. The focus is what you need to know; messages, information and predictions which may shed some light and give you perspective on some things you may have questioned in your life in your past, present and future.

Here is a list of the Card Positions and what areas being addressed in these readings:
Card #1 - Past Influences
Card #2 - The Present
Card #3 - Hidden Influences
Card #4 - Obstacles
Card #5 - Outside Influences
Card #6 - Suggestions
Card #7 - Outcome

These messages and predictions for each of the Zodiac signs in these readings cover a one year period and went out from July of 2024 until July 2025. Thank you for all of your purchases of my videos on Vimeo! Peace and Blessings! Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC

 Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,      Cancer,     Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

In these videos, I am looking into the energies coming from the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces September 17th 2024, and how it will affect each Zodiac sign for the next 6 months, which can also last for up to a year.

I used 3 different divination tools in these psychic readings: The Morgen Greer Tarot Deck, my Crystal, and a card from The Keepers of The Light Oracle Cards.

Here is the format:

Card #1 - what is ending for your sign,
Card #2 - what's beginning,
Card #3 - the blessings,
Card #4 - the Karmic lesson.

Then I look into my crystal and give you additional psychic predictions and messages from my Spirit Guides.

I then give you messages and predictions from the Keepers of The Light Oracle Card for your zodiac sign.

At the very end of each reading, I pulled a gemstone crystal for each sign, as to what will help you when dealing with these energies over the next 6 months while being influenced by the energies from the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra.

I advise considering also watching your rising sign, as this will be equally if not more important than your sun sign, in regard to the effects of this Lunar Eclipse.

Thank you for all of your purchases of my Vimeo Videos! Peace and Blessings! XO Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC®

 Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

 Eclipse Effects from the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces September 17th, 2024 ~

         Psychic Tarot Crystal and Oracle Card Readings for Each Zodiac Sign

 Psychic Crystal Reading for September 2024 for Each Zodiac Sign

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Angels, Ancestors and Ascended Masters Psychic Oracle Card Readings

                              for Changing Times 2024/2025

Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,    Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,

Troubleshooting Videos Page: 

In these videos I am focusing on receiving important messages from the Angels, Ancestors and Ascended Masters for these changing and challenging times, for each Zodiac sign - pulling four cards for each Zodiac sign, using four different oracle decks: Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards, Ask an Angel Oracle Cards, The Keepers of the Light Oracle Cards, and Angels, Gods and Goddesses Oracle Cards. The time frame for the messages and predictions in these videos varied for the Zodiac signs. Some signs the time frame seemed to cover one year of predictions from August 2024 until July/August 2025.

You may also want to watch your rising sign in this particular series to get the most soul guidance and messages as possible. I wish you the feeling of Hope springing eternal in each of you, true happiness and love. May you be safe, well, protected and blessed! Peace and Blessings! Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC

In these videos, I am looking into the energies coming from the Solar Eclipse in Libra, October 2nd, 2024, and how it will affect each Zodiac sign for the next 6 months and up to a year.

I used 3 different divination tools in these psychic readings; The Connolly Tarot Deck, my Crystal, and The Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards.

Here is the format:

Card #1 - what is ending for your sign,
Card #2 - what's beginning,
Card #3 - the blessings,
Card #4 - the Karmic lesson.

Then I look into my crystal and give you additional psychic predictions and messages from my Spirit Guides for this Solar Eclipse in Libra and how areas of your life will be affected by the energies.

I then give you more messages and predictions from The Angels and Ancestors Oracle Card for your zodiac sign.

At the very end of each reading, I pulled a gemstone crystal for each sign, as to what will help you when dealing with these energies over the next 6 months up to a year, while being influenced by the energies from the Solar Eclipse in Libra.

I advise watching your rising sign as well as your sun sign, as it will be equally if not more important than your sun sign, in regard to the effects of this Solar Eclipse.

Thank you for all of your purchases of my Vimeo Videos! Peace and Blessings! XO Pam ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC®

Solar Eclipse in Libra October 2nd, 2024 Psychic Tarot, Crystal and Oracle Card Readings

 Aries,    Taurus,    Gemini,    Cancer,    Leo,    Virgo,     Libra,    Scorpio,    Sagittarius,    Capricorn,    Aquarius,    Pisces,